Kronos Fusion Energy Incorporated is at the forefront of developing advanced aneutronic fusion technology, aiming to achieve a fusion energy gain factor (Q) of 40. Our mission is to provide clean, limitless energy solutions for industrial, urban, and remote applications.
The Kronos S.M.A.R.T. and the Promise of Quasi-Spherical, High-Beta Confinement

This paper elucidates the innovative approach undertaken by Kronos with their Superconducting Minimum-Aspect-Ratio Torus (S.M.A.R.T.) design, focusing particularly on the quasi-spherical, high-beta confinement. This confinement method, combined with the unique geometric design of the generator's shell, showcases significant promise in terms of both economic feasibility and efficient energy production.
1. Introduction:
Kronos S.M.A.R.T. stands as a testament to the adaptability and advancement of fusion technology. A central feature of this advancement is the quasi-spherical, high-beta confinement strategy. In the realm of fusion, the term 'beta' refers to the ratio of plasma energy to magnetic energy. A high beta indicates that a significant proportion of the energy is stored in the plasma, offering the potential for efficient power generation.
2. Rhombicosidodecahedron Geometry:
The rhombicosidodecahedron, a unique and intricate polyhedron, is the guiding geometry behind the S.M.A.R.T. design. This shape can be decomposed as an approximate fusion of 20 triangles, 12 pentagons, and 30 squares, ensuring uniform energy distribution. This geometric configuration is not merely an aesthetic choice. As noted by Plasma Physicist Frank Wessel, this particular shape renders plasma instabilities more manageable and aids in controlling Edge Localized Modes (ELMs).
3. Modular Design:
The external shell of the S.M.A.R.T. features a modular design, leading to several operational advantages:
Cost Efficiency: Modular designs can be manufactured at scale, leading to reduced production costs.
Maintenance: The ease of replacing or repairing individual modules ensures extended device longevity and reduced downtimes.
Operational Flexibility: Modules can be upgraded or altered based on advancements in technology or specific operational requirements.
4. Stable Plasma Confinement:
Stability in plasma confinement is paramount for continuous and safe fusion reactions. The quasi-spherical design ensures that:
Plasma remains centrally confined, reducing risks of disruptions.
The reactor remains compact, enabling scalability and versatility in deployment.
Energetic ion beams are employed to both heat and fuel the plasma, enhancing the efficiency of energy conversion.
5. Direct Energy Conversion:
By circumventing the need for complex steam turbines and other traditional energy conversion mechanisms, direct energy conversion emerges as a salient feature of the S.M.A.R.T. design. This approach not only shrinks the overall system size but also enhances efficiency.
6. Magnetic Field Distribution:
A unique characteristic of the S.M.A.R.T. design is its magnetic field (B) distribution:
The center possesses approximately zero magnetic field, which gradually increases radially.
This field distribution maximizes fuel confinement, essential for sustained fusion reactions.
Product losses at cusps are enhanced, ensuring efficient removal of waste products.
Cyclotron radiation losses are minimized, bolstering energy efficiency.
The overall power density and efficiency are maximized.
Costs associated with magnetic field generation and maintenance are drastically reduced.
7. Conclusion:
The Kronos S.M.A.R.T., with its quasi-spherical, high-beta confinement strategy combined with the geometric precision of a rhombicosidodecahedron design, marks a pivotal step forward in fusion energy production. Its modular design ensures economic feasibility, while its unique approach to plasma confinement and magnetic field distribution sets the stage for efficient and sustainable energy generation.