Kronos Fusion Energy Incorporated is at the forefront of developing advanced aneutronic fusion technology, aiming to achieve a fusion energy gain factor (Q) of 40. Our mission is to provide clean, limitless energy solutions for industrial, urban, and remote applications.
Case Study: D-He3 vs. DT Fusion - Kronos SMART and the Path to Commercialization

This case study explores why the D-He3 (Deuterium-Helium-3) fusion cycle, paired with Kronos SMART technology, presents an advantageous route for commercial nuclear fusion power compared to the conventional DT (Deuterium-Tritium) fusion cycle. We will explore the unique attributes of both cycles, with a focus on how Kronos SMART makes the D-He3 pathway more appealing.
D-He3 Fusion: Key Advantages
Reduced Neutron Production: Unlike DT fusion, the D-He3 reaction produces fewer high-energy neutrons, minimizing the damage to reactor materials. This aligns with Kronos SMART's design, reducing wear and tear and prolonging the lifespan of the reactor.
No Tritium Breeding Required: The DT cycle requires tritium breeding, adding complexity. D-He3, used with Kronos SMART, does not have this requirement, simplifying the overall process.
Potential for Direct Energy Conversion: The D-He3 cycle can be directly converted to electricity, which pairs well with Kronos SMART's efficiency-optimized design.
Kronos SMART Technology: This cutting-edge technology adds further advantages to the D-He3 cycle, enhancing control, stability, and energy conversion.
Path to Commercialization: A Comparative Analysis
DT Fusion Pathway
Ignition Demonstration (CIT): Early 1990s.
Engineering Test Reactor (ETR): Construction in 1993, operational in the late 1990s.
Materials Testing: Lengthy and costly due to neutron exposure requirements.
Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO): Integrating complex systems, a time-consuming and expensive step.
Commercial DT Fusion Plant: Final stage, following a prolonged development process.
D-He3 Fusion Pathway with Kronos SMART
Ignition Demonstration: Simplified with Kronos SMART's adaptable controls.
Reduced Materials Testing: Lower neutron exposure, plus the resilience of Kronos SMART's materials.
Simplified Engineering Test Phase: Reduced complexity with Kronos SMART’s integrated design.
Direct Transition to DEMO: Accelerated by Kronos SMART's innovative features.
Faster Commercial Deployment: Swift commercialization facilitated by the robustness and flexibility of Kronos SMART.
The D-He3 fuel cycle, paired with Kronos SMART technology, offers substantial advantages over the traditional DT fusion pathway. These include reduced demands on material testing, the absence of complex tritium breeding processes, direct energy conversion, and the integration of Kronos SMART's advanced control and efficiency features.
The collaborative use of D-He3 and Kronos SMART is likely to make the path to commercialization more direct, expedient, and cost-effective. It eliminates some of the most challenging aspects of DT fusion, positioning D-He3 and Kronos SMART as a highly promising option for the next generation of fusion power plants.
By showcasing the practical advantages of D-He3 and Kronos SMART and their potential for speeding up the arrival of fusion energy in the commercial realm, this case study emphasizes their vital role in shaping a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.